Infinite Green
is a commentary on the vast amount of resources used for lawn care in the US, and how the attainment of a 'perfect lawn,' may mirror the quest for the 'American Dream.' The sculpture was created for ArtPark21's Urban Ecologies exhibition of eco-centric outdoor art in Santa Fe. The ideas brought forth by this sculpture are especially poignant in this region where water is scarce and grass takes much more effort to grow and maintain.
Now on view in O’Fallon, Missouri.
Infinite Green evolved from dialogues about what is ultimately sacrificed in an endless quest for the perfect lawn, the perfect home, and the perfect life in pursuit of romanticized versions of the American Dream. Is there a price too high, in financial or natural resources, to achieve picture-perfect curb appeal?
Americans in the US spend approximately $60 billion a year on lawn care, and an estimated 20 trillion gallons of water per year for maintenance. This piece is intended to spark a dialogue about the resources funneled into lawn care that create problems for the environment and may be better spent elsewhere.